Our competition year runs from 1 July to 30 June.  To make your catches count you must be a current member (if not, please join now) and photograph your fish (nose to v of tail) on a WB&FC measure mat.  New Family and Senior memberships receive a free club measure mat as part of their 2024-2025 subscription.

Refer to Guidelines on 'Measuring Your Catch for WB&FC Fishing Competitions'  Send your measure photo to Measure Master Harvey Lee or post to our Waipu Boat & Fishing Club - Members Facebook page.  All species' lengths recorded on the Leaderboard are verified.  

Open line fishing

Species Place     Name  Location Length Date
Snapper 1st Andrew Whyte Boat 74.5cm 04/12/2024
  2nd Geoff Lillas Boat 74cm 29 /11/2024
  3rd Deni J. Vanin Boat 73.5cm 10/12/2024
4th Steve Fishes Boat 67cm 6/10/2024
  5th Graeme Giles Boat 58cm 11/01/2025
6th Earl Pennington Boat 54cm 11/01/2025
7th Stephen Glibbery Boat 50.5cm 2/09/2024
8th Steve Worthington Boat 50cm 02/09/2024
  9th Mandy Deihl Kayak 43cm 11/01/2025
  10th Linda Lee Boat 38.5cm 11/01/2025
 Kahawai 1st Deni J. Vanin Boat 55cm 25/08/2024
  2nd Linda Lee Boat 52.5cm 11/01/2025
3rd= Geoff Lillas Boat 50cm 09/07/2024
  3rd= Graeme Giles Boat 50cm 11/01/2025
5th Richard Davis Boat 49.5cm 02/09/2024
6th Stephen Glibbery Beach 49cm 23/08/2024
7th Mandy Deihl Kayak 45cm 11/01/2025
Gurnard 1st  Steve Worthington Boat 34.5cm 02/09/2024
Trevally 1st Colin Hansen  Kayak 54cm 22/08/2024
2nd Deni J Vanin Boat 52cm 6/10/2024
2nd Linda Glibbery Boat 35cm 02/09/2024
Kingfish 1st Dana MacDonald Boat 124cm 28/10/2024
 2nd Deni J Vanin Boat 84.5cm 6/10/2024
John Dory 1st Steve Fishes Boat 39cm 6/10/2024
Other Species 1st Steve Fishes | Porae Boat 45cm 07/07/2024

Junior line fishing

Species Place  Name                         Length      Date 
Snapper 1st  Ashley Ward 37.5cm 11/01/2025
  2nd  Benji Davis  35.5cm 15/11/2025
Sprat 1st Coda Kennedy 23cm 27/10/2024
   2nd Loretta Jacobson 22.5cm 27/10/2024
Kahawai 1st Sasha MacDonald 98cm 28/10/2024
Trevally  1st
Other  1st


Measure + Weigh Master

 Harvey Lee

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